It's Time To Rest

I had not being myself for the past 4 years... It's time to take a rest...

When Love Story meets Viva La Vida

Was told by my pet sis bout this song.... at first I was like

" story and viva la vida?...hmmm...."

Then moments later, Jo told me about this song again....

So I went to check out this song on youtube...


Really speechless... damn nice the song... If u guys like Love Story or Viva La Vida or both.... this song, for me at least, is a must to my songs collection....

It's a piano & cello combination.... by Jon Schmidt as the pianist while his friend plays the cello...

here's the video :

or u can go to this link:

hope you all enjoy this song as much as I do... really can't wait till they come out with the song in mp3.... and I have to say... these 2 fella really enjoy music ....A LOT... c the way when they're playing the song...

-Song playing(on youtube) : Love Story Meets Viva La Vida by Jon Schmidt

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