It's Time To Rest

I had not being myself for the past 4 years... It's time to take a rest...


我渐渐放慢脚步, 聆听不知明的鸟叫声...
你不时回过头来, 露出光灿的笑容, 唤我快快跟上...

望着你熟悉的背影, 一股莫名的悲伤突然涌来...
这么幸福的时刻, 可 以一直走下去吗?

我愈走愈慢,愈走愈慢... 泪流满面...
幸福的步道, 总是那么短
... 我们可不可以赖着不走 ?

Winter afternoon, a peaceful forest path, there were only 2 of us...
I slowed down my steps, listened to birds' chirping...
You turned back and smiled at me, reminded me to keep up with you...

While looking at your back, sadness has already flooded my heart...
Such blessing moment, can it continues forever?
I walked slower, and slower... I couldn't stop the tears....
The path of happiness are always short... Can't we just stop from moving forward?
-Jimmy "Backs"

有时候... 走在你的前面不代表我不在乎走在后面的你... 我只是不希望看着你离去背影...
walking in front of you doesn't means that I don't care about you at the back... just that I don't wish to look at your back while you're walking away...I'd feel the same like how Jimmy expresses it above...
-Song playing : Already Gone by Kelly Clarkson